Paris Office

3 Place du Général Catroux 75017 Paris, France Phone: +33 (0) 142868200
WhatsApp: +33 (0) 624974751

Quick Contact

3 Place du Général Catroux 75017 Paris, France

Phone: +33 (0) 142868200
WhatsApp: +33 (0) 624974751

Opening hours /    7days/7days   /10:00 – 18:00

IVARI Intrenational Center  +33142868200

External Root Connection

  /  External Root Connection
External Root Connection (ERC/C-P):
ERC/(C-P), is one of our famous legacy techniques, designed by Edward Ivari to give more volume to your hair.
Based on each patient’s case and their goals, ERC technique can be carried out completely non-surgically or over a procedure that combines surgical and non-surgical methods.
ERC connects the existing roots from outside to enhance the natural hair and give enough volume to your hair even if the existing roots are near bald spots.