Paris Office

3 Place du Général Catroux 75017 Paris, France Phone: +33 (0) 142868200
WhatsApp: +33 (0) 624974751

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3 Place du Général Catroux 75017 Paris, France

Phone: +33 (0) 142868200
WhatsApp: +33 (0) 624974751

Opening hours /    7days/7days   /10:00 – 18:00

IVARI Intrenational Center  +33142868200

Hair Implantation

  /    /  Hair Implantation
There are Three commonly used methods of hair implantations worldwide:
Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT/strip method):
In this method a thin strip of skin with hair is removed from the back of your head and divided into a few pieces, each containing one to four hair roots. The grafts are placed into tiny cuts made in the scalp.
The site where the hair is taken will be closed with stitches.
If the removal of scalp’s strip take place reasonably and correctly, stitched areas will not be visible.
FUT is normally carrying out with very professional physicians who know how to avoid nerve damages. In case nerve damage happens, a patient will permanently lose his or her sensitivity on the entire or a large part of their scalp! In FUT technique the patient’s hair does not need to be shaved – only the area where the skin is removed need to be trimmed and prepared.
This procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia.
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE):
In this method, an individual hair is removed one by one from the donor area and will be placed in recipient area prepared with small cuts in the scalp for each root.
In all cases the holes of recipient area are made by special tiny needles, thus, the tiny scars made by tiny blade will not appear. No scar is visible after root removing.
The removal of graft from back of your head should be performed with special micro size cylinders. In case micro sized cylinders are not used, a patients will have a lot of tiny scars on back of their head around the donor area. Using micro size cylinder, the physician will not be able to remove more than one root in each removal action.
The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia.
Do not forget that surgery even by the best surgeons cannot guarantee a full head of hair and therefore in case you are considering this method, you must prepare yourself to accept a suboptimal result and high risks. Your hair in the most important investment of your life on your appearance and therefore, it is strongly recommended to choose a center where the specialized team brings a combination of both surgical and non-surgical procedures with a written guarantee of best result and a full head of hair for you.
Classical Hair Transplantation:
This technique is similar to FUE technique, with difference in cylinders diameters. One of the benefits of this technique is that no blade is typically used. Classical hair transplantation is often performed to cover a scar between existing hair with at a lower cost.
At the IVARI center, we are specialized in a number of cutting-edge techniques to create a completely natural hairline at the frontal area of your head to achieve an amazing look.
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