Paris Office

3 Place du Général Catroux 75017 Paris, France Phone: +33 (0) 142868200
WhatsApp: +33 (0) 624974751

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3 Place du Général Catroux 75017 Paris, France

Phone: +33 (0) 142868200
WhatsApp: +33 (0) 624974751

Opening hours /    7days/7days   /10:00 – 18:00

IVARI Intrenational Center  +33142868200

IVARI’s History

  /  IVARI’s History
1967: The Starting Point of Ivari International Capillary Center
Fascinated by engineering biomedical, Edward Ivari left his small hometown to continue his superior study in Tehran, Iran.
One year later, he was contacted by a family of a burned victim who had suffered from a scar on her scalp for more than ten years.
The scar was caused by a burn when she was only 4 years old. The family had called him just to help them to find a physician in Tehran who could end their daughter’s sufferings by replacing her hair.
At the beginning the question seemed to Edward so easy and he accepted to find the best physician, with joy.
After many follow ups, Edward Ivari discovered that there was not such specialty in medical filed.
Edward found himself in an impasse when he understood there was not any solution for the girl’s problem and he knew that this was the question of death and life for the young girl, so he decided to hide the bad news from the girl’s family and instead, he tried to find a way to solve this problem himself.
Edward did not know how to start. The only things he had were
some free time and a few contacts with some physicians.
A few weeks later, when he entered a workshop of a shoemaker to have a few more holes on his new belt, he saw how the shoemaker made the holes on his belt in a few seconds by the hollow cylinder.
To Edward that seemed the answer and what was missing was some information on scalp and human tissue and a practical instrument to remove the small pieces of hairy scalp and transferring it to another area on the scalp.
Edward Ivari immediately started his research on scalp and human tissue.
He quickly found out how to design and invent the first instrument to remove very small pieces of scalp.
This invention amazed his contacted physicians, ready to try
this new instrument.
1969- The presentation of his invention to those physicians that could not believe their own eyes was the glory of Edward Ivari in year 1969.This was the same year that Nile Armstrong stepped on Moon.
50 years later, Edward Ivari started to divide his life into five periods then, in five books he wrote about his Visions, Emotions, Victories, Failures and Losses, and his Successes.
Root displacements procedure invented by Edward Ivari to cover a burned spot or a scar area quickly became the first solution to fight against baldness under the name of hair transplantation and hair implantation which pushed him to go towards the foundation of his first Ivari Capillary Center in year 1969.
1970 – Invention of External root connections (ERC) by Edward Ivari:
The hair implantation from the first beginning got its big success, but unfortunately it could not help enough to treat a burned spot successfully.
Happy from his first success, Edward Ivari was determined to continue his research to bring a quick answer to his first concern (burned and accident victims) and bring them back the exact amount of hair they had lost, regardless of methodology whether it was surgical or not. “What they need is to look perfect,” said Edward Ivari, “of course if the new hair grows and looks natural it would be much better, but if it does not grow but still looks natural, this certainly is acceptable too.”
Following this vision, he created a department dedicated to non-surgical research.
Later in 1970, Edward Ivari and his team achieved the invention of a very tiny net, full of natural hair for the first time, with advantage of processing the client’s existing hair to secure the stability of the new additional hair.
This invention became the second glory for Edward Ivari, which was named External Root Connections (ERC).
ERC perfectly matched all kind of hair problems, from smaller scars or bald spots to a big baldness.
1971- International research: Lack of access to the latest news and technologies about world’s recent capillary discoveries at that time, pushed Edward Ivari to start his frequent travels to Europe, United States and Far East.
He used to travel not only to seek and find out about all surgical and non-surgical procedures that would exist or soon could be found, but he also used to try to buy the most advanced laboratory instruments to complete his laboratory.
1972 – Creation of the first Technical Laboratory, where analyses and preparations were carried out with the greatest of care.
1973- New horizon: Meeting and serving international celebrities and influential clients and having their friendship, he gained a new insight and based on their recommendation Edward Ivari started his investments in medical field in few advanced countries which helped him to reinforce his relations in medical field.
1976 – Foundation of Ivari’s first European Capillary Center in Paris France.
1976 to 1981 – During these five years of non-stop research, Edward Ivari greatly improved his knowledge and capacity to surgical and non-surgical hair reconstruction techniques and treatments.
1981- Invention of IVARI Gradual Grade by Edward Ivari:
Edward Ivari discovered that among all his patients and clients, the politicians and stars were concerned about their public images.
They would be more willing to accept the treatment if there was a way in which their hair would gradually change.
This important discovery pushed Edward Ivari again to spend a great deal of energy and time to deliver IVARI Gradual Grade, another invention which remains perfectly successful until now.
1986 – Edward Ivari needed another 5 years to invent and internationally patent his Microcylinder procedure, another invention that brought an unexpected worldwide success which has never happened to him before, pushing Edward to expand his activity even more.
1987 – The worldwide successes and the increasing number of clients lead to the opening of another Paris Center on Avenue Foch.
1989 – To meet the increasing Cross Atlantic demand, the American Center opens its doors in the city of the stars at 145 South Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. In order to maintain a consistent atmosphere, this center, decorated in the European style which was appreciated a lot by an international clientele coming from cross the world.
1990 – invention of Microcapillography:  Thanks to all advanced instruments and unique research projects and our talented team, IVARI crossed out the word of impossible in hair treatments and offered the most ACCURATE EXAMINATION specifically designed for hair loss fallowed by a special revitalization program and proved to be affective for hair growth on majority of approved cases.
1992 – Admired by politicians, stars, celebrities, and businesspeople coming from all around the world, IVARI opened its full-floor New York office in Trump Tower in which 12,000 ft.² was dedicated only to his most demanding clients looking for the state of the art of hair implantation.
1993 – After finishing the marvelous decoration of the 25th floor of Trump Tower, a huge space was dedicated to creation of his laboratory specified in research and analysis, where Edward Ivari continued to develop and perfect his techniques.
The safest space in the middle of the 25th floor of Trump Tower was dedicated to Ivari hair bank, where all donors’ hair coming and used to be kept treated under the most special conditions of chemical care.
1995 -Micro-prints Intradermic (MPID) : Invented by Edward Ivari as a solution for most difficult cases. This surgical procedure start with the insertion of individual artificial roots which allows reconstitution of your additional hair one by one. M.P.I.D can also be used between existing hair to give more volume to your hair.
1996 – Ivari founded its first Capillary Center in Saudi Arabia.
1998 – Creation of the first and the largest Medical, Health, and Beauty Club in the most prestigious location of Jeddah in Saudi Arabia on a 100.000 ft.² brand-new, high-standard, and beautiful building in Al Tahlia street.
2000 – Magnetic Lines:  Edward Ivari’s team has been worked hard for years to find non-surgical procedures which can help those groups of men and women who suffer from a very thin hair or a very big baldness that no one was able to bring a permanent non-surgical treatment to them. Finally in the year 2000 their research ended up bringing the magical Magnetic lines. With this magical solution the clients could be able to find their full head of hair by being offered a full liberty to exercise
and swim.
2002 – IVARI left his huge investment in Saudi Arabia.
An interesting book will be out soon which is a true story from his five books, each related to one period of his life.
2005 – hair cloning:  The most exciting project which Ivari decided to undergo from the year 2005 is hair cloning.
2007 – Ivari Light Lines:  to protect clients’ own hair, IVARI invented a permanent system to offer them the possibility of having highlights between their existing hair, to reduce the risks of harmful chemicals and hair colors permanently.
2015 – Best chance for a maximum result with a minimum or reasonable price in hair cloning:
After investing a huge budget each year and for 10 consecutive years, because of shortness of our budget and a very high cost of hair cloning and also a very limited result, Ivari temporarily stopped injecting money from the year 2015.
All farther news in hair cloning (Clonage) will be announced in our official website:
2017 – White Deduction:  Invented by Edward Ivari to permanently reduce the percentage of white hair on your scalp.
2017 – Internal Root Connections (IRC): Invented by Edward Ivari to replace the roots which support all kinds of additional hair. Internal Root Connections start with insertion of very tiny special body friendly alloy under scalp, between the roots. Each root connections can support up to 500 strands of hair per location and can cover scars, burn spots, partial or total alopecia, baldness or giving body to tiny hair for women or men. With this procedure we are able to bring enough hair even in case of a big baldness
2020 – Ivari Invisible Lines:  Latest inventions invented by Edward Ivari to correct all kinds of miss-volume and mistakes created naturally or by other specialists because of deficiency of your donor area.